Include Avanser Call Tracking in Your Google Analytics Dashboard

Avanser Call Tracking Google Analytics

avanser call tracking metrics


Avanser is a great Australian call tracking system which is used by many of our clients. Adding call tracking data into their dashboard is a really cool feature for them. However, it is sometime laborious to integrate call tracking systems using an API.


Fortunately, Avanser connects their data into Google Analytics directly using Events. The tough job being done, it’s really simple to hook Avanser call data into your DashThis dashboard.


Basically, there are two types of information you can get from Avanser Google Analytics Events:


#1 Call source:


Avanser uses the Event Action element to insert the AdSource name for each specific call. Thus, to get a list of call sources in your dashboard you would simply do this:


Metric: ga:totalEvents
Dimension: ga:eventAction
Filter: ga:eventCategory=@AVANSER


#2 Call status:


Avanser uses the Event Label element to insert the status for each specific call. Those values can be Answered, Unanswered or Abandoned. Let’s say you want a pie chart showing calls by status then you’d do this:


Metric: ga:totalEvents
Dimension: ga:eventLabel
Filter: ga:eventCategory=@AVANSER


What about having a simple number widget to show all answered calls?


You’d go with that:


Metric: ga:totalEvents
Filter: ga:eventCategory=@AVANSER;ga:eventLabel==Answered


As you can see, it’s really easy and straight forward to integrate Avanser call tracking data into your dashboard because of its Google Analytics integration.


One little point though: It seems that we can’t get the Average Call Duration from events. It would be interesting to be able to get this information.

Stéphane Stéphane Guérin

Stéphane has been working on business web projects for more than 15 years. After creating and selling numerous web marketing agencies and web apps, he founded DashThis in 2011. 

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